Digitized Spatial Planning for Germany

September 3, 2024
For project developers, adhering to regional plans is a challenge because there are 120 planning regions across Germany. The categorization of spatially relevant areas differs among regions. For example, the Regional Plan Halle designates priority areas for wine and fruit cultivation. In the Regional Plan West Mecklenburg, action areas for the red kite receive special consideration.
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Geodata on disadvantaged areas

September 3, 2024
Disadvantages are not always negative. For example, solar parks are promoted on agriculturally disadvantaged land. But how do you find these areas given the various valid definitions and heterogeneous data sets?
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Regional cost differences in the millions due to German "Baukostenzuschuss"

September 3, 2024
The German "Marktstammdatenregister" lists 892 different grid operators. Unfortunately, this isn't ideal for developers of (renewable) energy projects. They must navigate through various processes for grid connection applications. For storage projects, this division is even crucial for site selection.
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Utilize instead of curtail!

May 7, 2024
In 2023, approximately 8 TWh of electricity in Germany was curtailed due to grid bottlenecks as part of redispatch measures. This is roughly equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of Berlin. The "Nutzen statt Abregeln" regulation aims to counteract this wasted potential starting from October 1st, 2024.
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